Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fmcg Phd Thesis

PAPER – II MANAGEMENT Note : This paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions, each question carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all the questions. 1. In which competitive structure, under industry equilibrium, Price = LMC = LMR = LAC = LAR condition prevails? (A) perfect competition (B) monopoly (C) monopolistic competition (D) duopoly 2. In the Cobb – Douglas production function, given as, A K a Lb , the sum of a b is equal to : (A) 10 (B) 100 (C) 1 1 (D) 3.In the equation pertaining to National Income, Y C S , the excess of income over consumption is depicted by : (A) Y (B) C (C) Y S (D) Y C 4. The long-run average cost curve takes the shape of : (A) Saucer (B) Inverted Saucer (C) Cone (D) Inverted cone 5. The four functions of infrastructure development under the PPP mode, namely, â€Å"Construct, Run, Possess and Sell-off† are popularly depicted by the acronym : (A) CRPS (B) (C) (D) 6. BOOT BOOM 7. 8.TEAM Organization synergy implies (A) More than propor tionate growth (B) Less than proportionate growth (C) Constant growth (D) Constant fall The two-factor model of motivation theory was propounded by : (A) Herzberg (B) Victor Vroom (C) Porter – Lawler (D) Maslow An approach to study of organizations that looks at an organization as composed of many inter – related parts making up an integrated work is : (A) Functional approach (B) Group approach (C) Systems approach 3 F1602 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. D) Oligopolist approach An organization design that treats the human resources as limited in capability and expects them to just confine to given roles, may be called as : (A) Organic design (B) Proactive design (C) Functional design (D) Mechanistic design The laissez – faire leader is also known as : (A) Democratic (B) Autocratic (C) Free – reign (D) Tree – trunk Under the present conditions and trends, which of the following statements is perhaps the most appropriate : (A) Human resources are expe nsive, while technology is cheap (B) Human Resources are expensive as Technology is (C) Human Resources are cheap as technology is (D) Human Resources are cheap, while technology is expensive BARS, Intra – mural activities, Bedeaux plan and golden handshakes, respectively, refer to certain aspects or components of : Retirement (P), Performance Appraisal (Q), Wage determination (R) and Welfare measures (S) as grouped in : (A) PQSR (B) QSRP (C) QRPS (D) PQRS High potential, but low performance employees may be branded as : (A) Stars (B) Question marks (C) Dogs (D) Answer sheets The ultimate remedy for disposal of an industrial dispute is : (A) Joint management council (B) Conciliation (C) Voluntary Arbitration (D) Adjudication The opportunity to be heard given to every parts to a dispute is necessary as per the principle of : (A) Mutual justice (B) Mutual benefit (C) Natural benefit (D) Natural justice In the valuation model, V C1 / ke g , the growth factor, â€Å"g† is assumed to be : (A) (B) (C) (D) Rising Constant Falling 17.Zero When discounted cash flows, instead of undiscounted cash flows, are used in payback period computation for a project, the resulting pay-back period is : (A) Longer 4 F1602 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. (B) Shorter (C) Unaffected (D) Varying The market beta is always : (A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) zero Of the two similar firms of the same risk-class and with same operating income, one employs debt capital of Rs. 50 mn. Given the tax rate of 30%, the value of the all-equity firm shall be poorer, compared to that of the levered firm by : (A) Rs. 15 mn (B) Rs. 150 mn (C) Rs. 1500 mn (D) cannot be said A credit policy of 3 30 , net 60 days, implies an annual interest rate of, taking 360 days? ear : (A) 90 % (B) 180 % (C) 18 % (D) 36 % Multilevel marketing links (A) Producers, intermediaries, wholesalers and retailers (B) Producers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers (C) Producers, retailers and consumers (D) Producers and c onsumers A personal communication method of product promotion is : (A) salesmanship (B) print media (C) television (D) advertisement Virtual marketing is the â€Å"future† which is facilitated by : (A) Customer relationship management (B) Channel management (C) Digital management (D) Internet and Information Technology A pricing strategy which is used to price a product high at the time of launching (A) Dual pricing (B) Penetrating pricing (C) Cost plus pricing (D) Skimming pricing Saturation, a stage to be managed effectively for continuing in the market, relates to : (A) Environment management (B) Product life cycle management (C) Logistic management (D) Channel management The prime concern of production layout is : (A) Process quality (B) Utility maximization 5 F1602 27. 28. 29. C) Smooth workflow (D) Line balancing Production management in respect of complex products involving many outsourced components, has to be fashioned like : (A) An integrated supply chain management (B) An independent production function (C) A mix of fragmented production lines (D) A mix of outsourced activities In assembly – line balancing, reducing the number of work stations is not preferred if it : (A) Reduces Idle time (B) Reduces work time (C) Increases work time (D) Has no impact on idle time The residual component in a time series under the multiplicative model is separated in : (A) Y T S C (B) (C) (D) Y TSC TSCR TSC T S C Y 30. 31. In a queuing system, the queue shall continue to grow when : (A) Arrival rate exceeds service rate (B) Service rate exceeds arrival rate (C) Poisson arrival pattern prevails (D) Idle probability approaches one The distribution in which the tails meet the horizontal axis only at infinity is : (A) Normal (B) Poisson (C) Binomial (D) Exponential The value of , bxy byx , is equal to : 32. 33. A) coefficient of determination (B) coefficient of correlation (C) coefficient of regression (D) coefficient of deviation Among these tests, the te st that tests the equality of means when three or more populations are involved is : (A) â€Å"t† test (B) â€Å"Z† test (C) â€Å"F† test 2 (D) test Even the best of MIS cannot be (A) Substitute for decision making (B) Supportive of decision making (C) Data mining and data processing (D) Data recording and retrieving World Wide Web (WWW) is not written as : (A) WWW 6 34. 35. F1602 36. 37. 38. (B) Web (C) W3 (D) 3W „Spy wars? is a term used in : (A) customer analysis (B) competitor analysis (C) attractiveness analysis (D) new product analysis Appealing to a broad spectrum of customers with a kind of product uniqueness is called : (A) Market niche strategy (B) Best cost strategy (C) Differentiation strategy (D) Cost leadership strategy Establishment of fully- owned new facilities and new operation undertaken by a company from scratch is : (A) Greenfield investment (B) International merger (C) International acquisition (D) Cross-border acquisition Which of t hese is not an obscene gesture? A) The okay sign in Brazil (B) A hearty slap on the back in Switzerland (C) Doing anything with the left hand in Saudi Arabia (D) Thumb between second and third finger in Japan GATT has been replaced by : (A) OPEC (B) WTO (C) NAFTA (D) ASEAN Making people stimulated to greater creativity through a group process is : (A) Brain storming (B) Checklist method (C) Brain writing (D) Big – dream method Find the odd one out from the view point of schumpterian creativity is regard to entrepreneurship : (A) intuitiveness (B) inventiveness (C) innovativeness (D) imitativeness Of these, the one that deals with exploring new business opportunities is : (A) Business venturing (B) Business scouting (C) Business resilience (D) Business tycoons A practice by which organisations spot, motivate and groom entrepreneurs either competitive or collaborative, from among employees, is known as : (A) intrapreneurship 7 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. F1602 45. B) entrapreneursh ip (C) extrapreneurship (D) contrapreneurship One of the external causes for sickness in small enterprises is : (A) Entrepreneurial misconduct (B) Deficient employee skills (C) Lapses and leakages in finance (D) Competition and globalisation Find out from the following, one term very closely associated with personal ethics : (A) accountability and responsibility (B) thoughtfulness (C) integrity and honesty (D) belief systems Find out the major reason for companies building strong ethics (A) Earning more profit (B) Building strong asset fortfolio (C) Avoid negative publicity (D) Muster shareholders support Financial dishonesty could be curbed and booked through promotion of : (A) Adherance to documented cash transfers (B) Enactment of more laws (C) Enhancing the severity of punishments (D) Code of conduct for Corporate Executives From the standpoint of personal choice, the least per capita carbon foot print effecting personal transportation alternative is : (A) Public transport (B) O wn car (C) Hired car (D) Auto rickshaw The scheme that strives to achieve women empowerment through gainful employment persuits is (A) Self Help Group Scheme (B) Home Guard Scheme (C) Single Girl Child Scheme (D) Marriage Gift Scheme 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ——————— F1602 8 MANAGEMENT Paper – II Answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A C D A B A A C D C A B B D D 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B A C A D D A D D B C A C B A 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 A B C A D B C A B B A A B A D 46 47 48 49 50 C C A A A 9 F1602

Friday, August 30, 2019

Independent Auditors’ Management Letter Essay

To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida: We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of Lee County, Florida (the â€Å"County†) as of and for the year ended September 30, 2011, and have issued our report thereon dated March 8, 2012. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and NonProfit Organizations. We have issued our Independent Auditors’ Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards, Independent Auditorsà ¢â‚¬â„¢ Report on Compliance with Requirements that Could Have a Direct and Material Effect on Each Major Federal Awards Program and State Financial Assistance Project and on Internal Control Over Compliance, and Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs. Disclosures in those reports and schedule, which are dated March 8, 2012, should be considered in conjunction with this management letter. Additionally, our audit was conducted in accordance with Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General, which governs the conduct of local governmental entity audits performed in the State of Florida. This letter includes the following information, which is not included in the aforementioned auditors’ reports or schedule. Section 10.554(1)(i)1., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that we determine whether or not corrective actions have been taken to address findings and recommendations made in the preceding annual financial audit report. There were no findings and recommendations made in the preceding annual financial audit report with respect to the Board of County Commissioners (the â€Å"Board†). With respect to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Property Appraiser, Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, and Tax Collector (collectively the â€Å"County agencies†), reference to whether corrective actions have been taken is provided in separate management letters for each County agency. Section 10.554(1)(i)2., Rules of the Auditor General, requires our audit to include a review of the provisions of Section 218.415, Florida Statutes, regarding the investment of public funds. In connection with our audit of the financial statements of the County, nothing came to our attention that would cause us to believe that the County was in noncompliance with Section 218.415 regarding the investment of public funds. Section 10.554(1)(i)3., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that we address in the management letter any recommendations to improve financial management. In connection with our audit of the Board, we did not have any such findings. Reference to such matters is provided in separ ate letters for each County agency, where applicable. Section 10.554(1)(i)4., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that we address violations of provisions of contracts or grant agreements, or abuse, that have occurred, or are likely to have occurred, that have an effect on the financial statements that is less than material but more than inconsequential. In connection with our audit, we did not have any findings other than those reported in the Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs. Section 10.554(1)(i)5., Rules of the Auditor General, provides that the auditor may, based on professional judgment, report the following matters that have an inconsequential effect on financial statements, considering both quantitative and qualitative factors: (1) violations of provisions of contracts or grant agreements, fraud, illegal acts, or abuse, and (2) deficiencies in internal control that are not significant deficiencies. Reference to such matters is provided in Appendix A for the Board. We did not audit the responses to our recommendations, which are also provided in Appendix A, and, accordingly, we express no opinion on them. Reference to such matters is provided in separate management letters for each County agency, where applicable. Section 10.554(1)(i)6., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that the name or official title and legal authority for the primary government and each component unit of the reporting entity be disclosed in the management letter, unless disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. Such disclosure is included in the notes to the financial statements. Section 10.554(1)(i)7.a., Rules of the Auditor General, requires a statement be included as to whether or not the local governmental entity has met one or more of the conditions described in Section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes, and identification of the specific condition(s) met. In connection with our audit of the financial statements of the County, the results of our tests did not indicate the County met any of the specified conditions of a financial emergency contained in Section 218.503(1). However, our audit does not provide a legal determination on the County’s compliance with this requirement. Section 10.554(1)(i)7.b., Rules of the Auditor General, requires that we determine whether the annual financial report for the County for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011, filed with the Florida Department of Financial Services pursuant to Section 218.32(1)(a), Florida Statutes, is in agreement with the annual financial audit report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011. Our comparison of the financial report filed with the Florida Department of Financial Services to the County’s 2011 audited financial statements resulted in no material differences. Pursuant to Sections 10.554(1)(i)7.c. and 10.556(7), Rules of the Auditor General, we applied financial condition assessment procedures as of September 30, 2011. It is management’s responsibility to monitor the County’s financial condition, and our financial condition assessment was based in part on representations made by management and the review of financial information provided by same. This letter is intended solely for the information and use of management, the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida, the Florida Auditor General and applicable federal and state agencies, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Orlando, Florida March 8, 2012 LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Appendix A – Management Letter Comments For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 Observation 2011-A Statement of Condition: The Clerk’s Finance and Records Department periodically reviews construction in progress with the County departments to determine which projects should be capitalized and depreciated. However, we noted during our audit that the governmental activities construction in progress balance at September 30, 2011 included certain projects that had been completed or abandoned before year-end. Criteria: Construction in progress projects should be reclassified to depreciable assets once substantially completed and available for service. If the County determines a project is no longer viable, the construction in progress should be expensed. Effect of condition: Construction in progress for governmental activities in the amount of $8,061,000 was not reclassified as depreciable assets at September 30, 2011, and related depreciation expen se and accumulated depreciation were not recorded. In addition, the County expensed $1,242,000 of construction in progress for a project that was abandoned. Cause of condition: The process in place for notification of when construction in progress is substantially complete and available for service or when projects are no longer viable, was not sufficient to identify such projects for proper recording. Recommendation: We recommend that County departments be more diligent in reviewing the status of construction in progress and notify the Clerk’s Finance and Records Department when projects are substantially complete and available for service or when they determine a project should be abandoned. Management’s response: We have asked our external auditors to provide instruction to the Board’s fiscal personnel on this matter, including the importance of capitalizing or writing off construction in progress in a timely manner. Observation 2011-B Statement of Condition: The cost of interest related to borrowings on construction in progress had not been sufficiently capitalized prior to audit review. Criteria: Accounting principles state that interest shall be capitalized for assets in enterprise funds that are constructed for the enterprise’s own use if the effect of expensing such interest is material. Effect of condition: Capitalized interest cost related to construction in progress was recalculated and recorded in the amount of approximately $1 million. Cause of condition: The calculation of capitalized interest had not included all construction in progress on which interest was to be capitalized. Recommendation: We recommend that the Clerk’s Finance and Records Department review construction in progress annually and determine the amount of interest that should be capitalized. Management’s response: The issue was related to accruing interest for construction in progress based on the total amount of construction in progress rather than the amount that was capitalized in the current year. This has been corrected. LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Appendix A – Management Letter Comments For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 Observation 2011-C Statement of Condition: During our testing of cash management compliance for the Emergency Operations Center State grant, it was noted that $138,000 of expenditures, out of $849,000 in total, were not requested for reimbursement in the annual reimbursement request. Criteria: Reimbursements requests should include all expenditures for which the County has disbursed payment to vendors for the specific time period. Effect of Condition: Reimbursement for certain invoices was not requested and the County did not receive all of the monies to which it was entitled in a timely manner, which could result in cash flow issues for the program. Cause of Condition: The County did not reconcile the reimbursement request to the accounting records. Recommendation: We recommend that management establish a process to reconcile to the accounting records when preparing reimbursement requests. Management’s Response: Future requests for reimbursement will be made in the same year that they were expended. Observation 2011-D Statement of Condition: The County’s practice has been to write off uncollectable EMS receivables as bad debt expenditures. Criteria: Discounts and allowances in revenue-related governmental fund accounts should be recorded as revenue reductions, rather than as bad debt expenditures. Effect of Condition: EMS revenues and bad debt expenditures were overstated by $6,106,000. This also created a financial statement budget variance because bad debt expenditures have been recorded but not budgeted. Cause of Condition: The long-standing County practice has been to record all uncollectable receivables as bad debt expenditures. Recommendation: We recommend that management modify accounting practices to reduce revenue for uncollectable revenue-related governmental fund accounts receivable. Management’s Response: We will look at this issue in the upcoming fiscal year and handle it appropriately.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dysexecutive Syndrome

Dysexecutive Syndrome occurs when there is a loss of executive brain function. The term was first coined by Alan Baddeley and may result from physical trauma such as a blow to the head, a stroke or other internal trauma. Executive brain function, which includes insight, judgment, planning and initiative, makes it possible for humans to successfully manage the problems of everyday life. These functions allow individuals to carefully navigate day to day activities, make certain decisions, while evaluating the outcome, and plan accordingly.Loss of executive function occurs as a result of brain disease, injury, intellectual disability or psychiatric disorders. The loss of executive function may be permanent as a result of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, schizophrenia or massive head injury. Temporary loss may result from delirium, physical illness or intoxication. While the syndrome manifests itself in various ways, it is mainly apparent from the â€Å"afflicted person’s pr ior personality, life experiences and intellect†(Royal Hobart Hospital Department of Health and Human Services ).Dysexecutive Syndrome was once thought to be associated with frontal lobe syndrome. However, researchers have come to realize that this syndrome may occur as a result of impairment to other parts of the brain and not just the frontal lobe. Symptoms of Dysexecutive Syndrome may fall into three different categories: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Symptoms include loss of memory which causes the individual to lose track of conversations, have trouble interacting socially and following a story-line.Therefore it is very difficult for a person suffering from this syndrome to carry on with simple tasks that were once the norm for them such as reading and maintaining simple conversations. It is also very common for individuals with this syndrome to lose problem-solving skills and lack good judgment which are essential for daily activities, communication with others an d general behavior. The lack of insight leads to a loss of social skills such as normal speech and how to behave in social and group settings.Due to their loss of cognitive reasoning, they may also react aggressively or appear stubborn and self-centered. They have little or no control over their reactions to frustration or their lack of understanding. They have forgotten how to control their behavior and have no sense of what is acceptable in certain social situations. It is also common for patients suffering from this syndrome to have disturbed sleep patterns. They also have the tendency to become resistant and aggressive when others try to provide care as they are unable to recognize or fathom what is happening to them.Many times, the person with this illness does not realize that they have a problem therefore they are unable to do anything to rectify it. There is no cure for Dysexecutive Syndrome, however, therapy is available that helps the patient to cope. In order to assist so meone experiencing Dysexecutive Syndrome, the caretaker should encourage conversation while focusing on familiar, reminiscent and here and now contextual information. These conversations should take place in a quiet place where there are no distractions. Large group conversations should be avoided as this may confuse and frustrate the patient.The caretaker should also give orientating information regularly throughout the conversation, providing gentle reminders about the conversation topic and explaining things clearly and simply. They should ensure that the patient understands the conversation and take care to repeat and simplify if necessary. The caretaker should also aim to provide structure for the patient by trying to keep the same daily routine where possible. They should point out problems gently and tactfully and encourage the patient to write important things down.Assist the patient by providing memory and orientation aids such as a clock, diary, calendar, timetable, notebo ok, photo album, etc. And avoid asking complex questions which require good understanding and memory. With the loss of the ability to perform simple, everyday tasks, patients experience a loss of self-esteem and self-worth. This may contribute to frustration, boredom and aggression. To avoid this, caretakers or loved ones should be sure to involve them in the activities that they are still able to do.Encourage responsibility and contribution to the household in order to reinforce their importance. Engage them in diversional, recreational and functional activities. It would also help to write out activities so they are able to read and follow steps. It is difficult for both a patient and a loved one dealing with this illness. Since the patient is experiencing a loss of cognitive reasoning, it is up to the caretaker or loved one to recognize the symptoms and assist the patient with regular day to day functions.It is the caretaker’s responsibility to try and uplift or maintain t he patient’s self-confidence while assisting them with navigating the normal issues of day to day life and activities. While it is never easy on anyone involved, there are strategies that can alleviate the situation. Recognizing the symptoms of this syndrome is the first step in helping everyone to cope. Reference Alderman, N. , Burgess, P. , Emsile, H. , Evans, J. J. , & Wilson, B. A. ,(1996). Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) by Barbara A. Wilson, Jonathan J.Evans, Hazel Emsile, Nick Alderman and Paul Burgess. Retrieved from http://www. dwp. gov. uk/docs/no2-sum-03-test-review-2. pdf Dysexecutive Syndrome. (2012). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved October 29, 2012, from http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/1432238/dysexecutive-syndrome Royal Hobart Hospital Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 29, 2012, from http://www. dhhs. tas. gov. au/search? queries_all_query=www. dhhs. tas. gov. au%2FDysexecutiveSyndr ome¤t_result_page=1&results_per_page=10&submitted_search_category=&mode

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sun to electricity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sun to electricity - Research Paper Example Most of other energies used are usually run by fossil fuels, which are non-renewable, and, therefore, their supply is limited because they cannot be easily replaced. The suns energy is in abundant, and the various technologies can harness its power, which can be stored to be used at other times or immediately. The sun can, therefore, produce more electricity than any other form of energy production and the only equipment needed is that for harnessing and storing electricity. As a result, countries need to come up with efficient methods of harvesting the sun on a larger scale that has been previously. The report is going to focus on the harvesting of the suns energy and the consequent conversion of solar energy into electricity. It uses photovoltaic cells, which are embedded in the solar panel. The solar panel is made of silicon, which has various impurities added to it. Panels are either monocrystalline or polycrystalline. The resultant mixture of silicon with impurities creates a medium that converts the sun’s energy into electricity. The suns energy as compared to other reforms of energy like geothermal and nuclear energy stands out as one of the cleanest forms of energy. As a result, it does not have adverse effects on the environment. The equipment used in generating the power is not complicated, and any person can use them quite easily. Converting the sun’s energy (solar energy) into electricity follows various processes. Different photovoltaic cells are used in panels to receive the sun’s rays and convert the harvested solar energy into electricity with photovoltaic cells (Oxlade, 2008). The collected electrical energy is stored in batteries, which are later used either during the day or at night. Other technologies like collecting the suns energy using thermos electric effect have come into play where they use parabolic discs. Thermal electric devices use heat from the sun. The suns energy

PURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PURE - Essay Example Even demand was increasing for raw foods, those that were thermally processed at 120 degrees, which is representative of the planet’s ambient temperature, which was said to aid in digestion, sustain natural healthy bacteria levels, and ensure maximum nutritional content. The main objective was to establish an eatery that would have market-centric relevance, especially in relation to food availability on the menu and the internal decor. Utilizing a naturalistic environment consisting of woods, natural greenery, and a variety of displayed vegan and raw products, Graham and Buob wanted to create legitimate relationships with customers that valued these naturalistic elements supported through knowledge exchanges with consumers in an eco-sustainable environment. By promoting an environment where vegan and natural foods consumption lifestyles could merge with ownership and staff, the objective was to create a revolutionary type of restaurant that could cater to this expanding market niche. The Main Problems at Pure Problems with the foods regulatory environment posed reputational risks for the variety of products that were procured by Pure. The United States Department of Agriculture allowed or five percent of an organic product’s attributes to contain non-organic materials. ... This meant that Pure might not be able to promote products to a holistic niche market since they maintained no control over procurement regulations and would likely not gain the attention of mainstream consumers either. Pure also had to promote a higher pricing model due to the high costs of procurement for organic and vegan products along the supply chain. Mainstream consumers were more attracted to fast food products and packaged/processed foods due to their lower pricing structure. The competitive environment provides many different lower-priced restaurants which would be a hindrance in attempting to appeal to the price-sensitive consumer market segments. Coupled with a mainstream sentiment that vegan and organic products are tasteless and boring related to flavor, it would be very difficult for Pure to attempt to market to the majority of consumer segments, thus being forced to cater to only the niche market segments that legitimately valued natural foods. Furthermore, the growth of availability of organic products at regional grocery stores represented a credible threat of substitutes on the market. Pure was unsure about how the ownership would effectively promote the motivation for dining out to consume natural products when grocery stores made these products widely available, especially important in a market with only 17,000 residents making an average of just under $22,000 annually; below the provincial earnings average. A market environment that is limited in terms of available consumers with legitimate resource restrictions posed a significant threat to the high price model necessary for Pure to remain profitable. These restrictions, coupled with the cultural characteristics in Collingwood to enjoy recreational activities that made

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing - Case Study Example The climbs are segmented as ‘the express climb’, ‘the discovery climb’ and ‘the bridge climb’ (Bridgeclimb, n.d.). While doing so the company has also added many feathers to its cap. One such feat achieved by the company is to get its name enlisted in the Guinness book of world records for making most flags flown on the Sydney Bridge (Worldrecordsacademy, 2008). Market Market plays the most pivotal role for a company to successfully demeanor it business. Market consists of a cluster of users who exhibits some similar requirements and desires. In other words a market is set of possible buyers of a product and service (Allen, Macy & Hutchison, 2009, p.21). Therefore for a company to perform its operation effectively in the market place it needs to segment its intended market appropriately (Croft, 1994, p.1). In the context of Bridge climb Sydney their main market lies with the adventure tourism group. The market also lies with those persons who li ke elevation and high altitudes from the ground but not adventurous. The company also has its market scattered all over the world, as visitors from different part of the world arrives to experience it. Segmentation Market segmentation can be defined as the way by which the companies segments the market into various subgroups based on the similar characteristics of the consumer (Bose, 2004, p.513). There are many available alternatives for segmenting the market such as geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation and psychographic segmentation among many others. These day’s companies design their goods and services based on the needs of consumers. Therefore marketing segmentation and market targeting is considered as an essential and central element of marketing activities (Kamakura & Wedel, 2000, p.3). The concept of marketing segmentation helps in understanding the needs of consumers more effectively than its competitors. However on the other hand market targeting is ba sed upon the segmentation and its decision to cater to that segment (Clemente, 2002, p.253). Therefore in the context of the company, segmentation can be done on the basis of geography i.e. the location of the consumers. The geographical segmentation can be used for segmenting the tourist from different countries and accordingly offering products and prices for them. The customers which exhibit adventurous and exploration attitudes are one of the major segments of the company. Apart from that bases of segmentation the company can even undergo niche market segmentation strategy for segmenting the market. This will also reduce the number of competitors for the company. Now according to the services offered by the company the segmentation can be regular visitors, adventurous visitors. The company needs to target adventurous travelers who will surely avail the opportunities. For adventurous travelers the company can cater them by offering ‘discovery climb’ and ‘bridge climb’. These ultimate climbs will surely satisfy the needs of those customers. And for targeting the regular visitors the company can make use of ‘express climb’, which is also conducted in a short period. Therefore the market can be segmented into regular and adventurous visitors. Some of the strategies which can be undertaken by the company for targeting adventurous customer group are as follows:- Product Strategy: - A product strategy is a pivotal function of the company. It resides at the heart of a company’

Monday, August 26, 2019

An historical account of an ancient Greek city-state or colony Assignment

An historical account of an ancient Greek city-state or colony - Assignment Example The author draws heavily from the primary sources of information such as the Herodotus, Plutarch, and the Thucydides to explain the nature and structures of various Greek land engagements in the 500 century B.C. In essence, the author presents a formative domain in understanding the history of Western warfare. The map below is a representation of ancient Greece city states that had come into existence in the 500 century B.C. the map clearly shows the settlements in the ancient Greece and the surrounding natural features such as the seas and other natural landscapes. From the map, it can be observed that the Athens City is among the notable City-States that existed in the early 500 century B.C. and was surrounded by rival city states such as Thebes and Corinth. The author gives a critical overview of the birth of the Athens City State and cultural diversity. The author notes that Athens is located at latitude 37 58’ 20† N and longitude 23 43’ 9† on the Attica plains. At the heart of the Attica plain, there exists a range of hills (presently referred to as Tourko Vouni) that spread from the northeast to the south. The hills separate the Kephisos and ILissos valleys that are boards a spur to the south. The spur can be termed as the link to the Athens City states. It is worth noting that the highest point of Athens is known as Acropolis. From the book, it can be identified that Athens has experienced dramatic transformations since its existence. Currently, the city is occupied by people from diverse origins in terms of race, ethnic background and religious affiliations. As a result of the settlement of people from diverse origins, the city is characterized by a rich a dynamic culture. Different people have different cultural construction and, therefore, meeting of residents in a common place leads to cultural

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Assassination of John F. Kenny and the Conspiracy Theories Behind Research Paper

The Assassination of John F. Kenny and the Conspiracy Theories Behind his Murder - Research Paper Example As the smoke cleared and the Presidential motorcade was surrounded by the mob by scared townspeople, their emotions running amok, it was discovered that Governor Connally and James Tague, travelling suit were injured heavily trying to protect the one man sitting in the vehicle, on which everyone had their eyes upon. Jacqueline Kennedy, the First Lady was shell shocked as she heard the noise and on her right quietly fallen, lay her husband, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, fatally shot and wounded, in the heart of Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, Texas. The political assassination of JFK, the thirty fifth President of the United States of America was a shocker to the entire global community that regarded him as one of the smartest and most influential people of all time. After many enquiries into the political situation, it has been marked as the offshoot of a criminal conspiracy possibly involving a number of groups and communities such as the CIA, the KGB, the American mafia, the Israeli government , and people like the President of the FBI at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, and the Cuban President, Fidel Castro. The official story was that Kennedy was killed at the hand of Lee Harvey Oswald who fired a shot from the corner window of the Book Depository, and was a U.S Marine who had defected to the Soviet Union. In order to understand the political motives and happenings of the events leading up to and during the assassination of President Kennedy, it is vital to first understand the terms that are being used to describe the situation. The entire event has been passed off as a political conspiracy; a conspiracy may thus be defined as â€Å"An agreement between two or more persons to combine for unlawful or subversive purpose involving plots schemes, intrigues and collusion. The group of conspirators are united in the aim of usurping or overthrowing established political power often, but not always, in secret.† Under the same, Kennedy’s death was the cause of a politic al assassination which may be defined as ‘a sudden or secretive attack to murder someone who holds a prominent position for political reasons’ (Knoepfler). It is important also to comprehend the kind of motives that each assassin might have in order for him to be convinced enough to kill someone of such great stature. Most assassins in history have been stirred by religious, political, ideological or military motives in order to kill someone who they feel do not deserve the right to live because their pleas and needs were not being heard by them. The motive or incentive for Lee Oswald Harvey being behind Kennedy’s killing was not portrayed as something that involved some sort of financial or personal gain. Despite heavy interrogation by the police, the assassin denied all the alleged accusations against him for being charged for the murder of Kennedy as well as police officer, J.D Tippit. However, it is felt by some that enough evidence exists against him. Howeve r, even before the man could be tried, he was killed by a club owner by the name of Jack Ruby. People further believed that Ruby himself was part of the same conspiracy leading to Kennedy’s death; however he denied any such allegation and further insisted on saying that he was only trying to give Mrs Kennedy a break from going to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Why men's basketball is better than women's basketball Essay - 4

Why men's basketball is better than women's basketball - Essay Example In this sense, the writer employed the use of strategies in order to communicate and deliver his arguments and views. Where as he acknowledges that every ones opinion matters in this assessment, he also asserts that there are some inherent things with men’s basketball that makes it much cherished compared to that of the women (Kramer). He considers the airtime that the two are given and explains that men are given more than women and the situation makes it possible for men to dominate the game than women. On the other hand, the author also posits that in women basketball, there is no overall excitement as compared to that of men. These among other thing like the predictability of the women game makes it too boring to attend to and watch. In order to drive his point home, the author has used rhetorical tools to channel the same, for example. The writer thus has employed the use of ethos (ethical persuasion) to deliver his point home. For instance, when he says it is considered unethical for women to celebrate victory with a finger raised towards the opponents as it happens in the men’s case (Kramer). This is aimed at making the readers understand how the women’s game is bereft of jubilation thus explaining its unpopularity. The writer has also used logos to persuade the writer about his position. When he says that women games are not accorded much airtime in the media compared to men, it really gives the sense of appreciation why one of the gender games is better than the other. With reference to the second writer, he explains his point by using logos. In this sense, he logically convinces the readers that men’s basketball is better that women’s because of the period in which it has been existing. He says the given that basket ball was formerly meant to be men’s game, it has affected and shifted attention to their game than that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Risk Template Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk Template - Essay Example The subsequent analysis of the differences or variances and the action taken are a vital part of the control mechanism. III. Internal Risks. These risks have a great impact on the project and its success, but they can be easily eliminated and avoided. To achieve the task requires clear definition, good planning, clear roles and responsibilities, appropriate resources and regular reviews as the project proceeds. IV. Quality Risks. There is even evidence that, despite the formal utilization of quantified cost-benefit approaches, the practical implementation of safety and quality may be achieved by informal means. A new or changed design can be costly, as it may need new tools, or new layout of works and employees may have to be retrained (Crouhy et al 2000). Quality policy must be formulated in terms a designer can understand and act upon. V Resource Risks (Baseline schedule is closely connected with the efficiency levels which are driven by the normal productivity that can be expected from the type of person or equipment allocated to each activity, and the efficient allocation of the person or equipment is driven by the project schedule) Risk Low Probability Medium Probability High Probability High cost of raw materials in future (needs additional changes in design) X New (innovative) materials appeared in 3-4 years X VI Schedule Risks. Breakdown is not chronological and does not involve itself in worrying about what has to be done, it merely breaks down the objective of the project into some sensible and convenient groups (Frame, 2002). Also, it is important to note that within each department managers will find a hierarchy translated into a part of the project schedule structure. Risk Low Probab

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Spanish-American War Essay Example for Free

The Spanish-American War Essay Tp what extent was the Spanish-American War a turning point in the development of American foreign policy? The Spanish-American War of 1898 could be seen as the pivotal point in foreign policy as it marks America’s first engagement with a foreign enemy in the dawning age of modern warfare however, one could also argue that the idea had always existed in American politics. Until the end of the nineteenth century, American foreign policy essentially followed the guidelines laid down by George Washington, in his Farewell Address to the American people: â€Å"The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is—in extending our commercial relations—to have with them as little political connection as possible. † By avoiding entanglements with foreign powers, America aimed to minimize the possibility of being dragged into war hence, war was to be undertaken only in defense of the nation against attack. However, the Spanish-American war saw Americans fighting to gain colonies elsewhere, with no relation to self defence. Though going to war with the Spanish was defended as non-imperialistic, shown by the promises of independence for Cuba and the Philippines, the American victory resulted in territorial gains and a inflated sense of power. A much more active and aggressive foreign policy was evident after the Spanish-American War, it had transformed from being focused primarily on isolated nationalism to expansionistic imperialism. The Spanish-American war resulted in numerous territorial gains, the Paris Treaty handed over Caribbean areas such as Puerto Rico and Guam to America which led to a series of land acquisitions as it expanded in what seemed like direct colonization. The war had begun with paternal feelings of supporting a fellow nation trying to win its freedom, however, the pro-Cuban hysteria masked America’s real intention which was to take over the island. Although Cuba was recognized as independent, American troops remained on the island for another four years and an American â€Å"governor† was put in charge. This showed America extending it’s political influence like never before and this was further emphasized through the Platt Amendment 1901 which gave the US right to intervene to maintain the independence and stability of Cuba.  What impaired their independence was ultimately up to America and this gave the power to control Cuban affairs. Another victory through the Treaty of Paris was the possession of the Philippines. Though the Filipino independence leader Emilio Aguinaldo had aided in the defeat of Spain in 1898, USA refused independence to the Islands and a vicious three year war ensued. A civil government was created after the capture of Aguinaldo under William Taft and this showed a drastic change in American foreign policy. They could no longer justify interference with the excuse of the islands being within its sphere of influence but McKinley argued that America had the role to â€Å"uplift and civilize and christianize [Filipinos] as our fellow-men for whom Christ also died. McKinley was either unaware or simply chose not to inform the people that, except for some Muslim tribesmen in the south, the Filipinos were Roman Catholics, and, therefore, already Christians. In reality, the annexation of the Philippines was the centerpiece of the large policy pushed by the imperialist cabal to enlist the United States in the ranks of the great powers. The Spanish-American war gave the push that the American government needed to make a final decision over Hawaii. The Hawaiin Islands were known as the â€Å"crossroads of the Pacific†, tracing routes from USA to Japan, Australia and Philippines. The treaties of 1857 and 1887 allowed cheap duty-free sugar into the USA but in return, Hawaii was requited to accept both American economic domination and political protection. In 1890, when a rebellion began under Queen Liliuokalani, the marines were sent to force a surrender. This perhaps can be seen as an early display of America’s expansionist foreign policy, however, the annexation of Hawaii was opposed by many in government who feared that America would become an imperial power like the Europeans. It can be argued that the war with Spain in Cuba strengthened the arguments for annexation as America gained an inflated sense of confidence from victory and officially took up their role as a â€Å"global power†. Hawaii was annexed in July 1898, after the Spanish-American war had ended. The result of the Spanish-American War was that USA became a Carribean power  with it’s temporary acquisition of Cuba and this brought about long discussed plans for a canal through the Isthmus of Panama. The USA gained a 10 mile wide strip of the canal and was granted full control. With increasing territorial gains such as Cuba and Panama, USA’s interest in Latin American affairs was evident. Roosevelt felt that US had the right to intervene in order to maintain stability in the area and this was evident through the Roosevelt Corollary where he stated that the US had the right to intervene in the affairs of other countries on the continent in cases of â€Å"chronic wrongdoing or impotence†. Americans decided what was deemed a â€Å"wrongdoing† and it was used to justify their taking over finances of Dominican Reupublic in 1905 when it defaulted its debt and the intervention in Nicaragua in 1915. America was now moving even further away from an isonlationist power, delclaring to the world that the Western Hemisphere was its sphere of influence. However, its growth in influence differs to simple European empire building. It is undeniable that the US was interfering in internal affairs of sovereign nations for its own ends, however, Roosevelt felt it was a necessary evil as the European powers would seize the chance themselves to expand if some level of instability occurred in Latin America. Although US marines remained in territories such as Nicaragua and Dominican Republic for decades, the American government chose to withdraw them; unlike the European powers, they did not need to fight a bloody war to grant their territories independence. Roosevelt had perhaps preserved Latin American independence from Europe and ultimately, American involvement improved stability for the future. America began to meddle in world affairs or in the words of an imperialist, assume its global responsibilities in ways the founding fathers had previously avoided. Troops were dispatched to China to join those of the other powers in putting down the Boxer Rebellion of Chinese patriots; the Great White fleet was sailed around the world to declare America’s power and presence to the world; and the government became a promoter of overseas investment with external investment increasing seven-fold. More and more, the American wealth machine had changed it’s attitudes to the outside world. The Spanish-American War launched the United States on the path of a modern non-aristocratic empire founded on state power but oriented towards commercial and economical gain. By expanding the horizons of U.S. foreign policy in the pursuit of export markets through formal empire (Philippines) and informal empire (Latin America, Cuba, China), the Spanish-American War was a turning point. Sumner remarked in 1900 that â€Å"the political history of the United States for the next 50 years will date from the Spanish war of 1898’ and this can be seen through America’s successive entangling foreign commitments eventually leading to the involvement in the First World War.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reconstruction After the American Civil War Essay Example for Free

Reconstruction After the American Civil War Essay The civil war is considered by many the most important war that our country has endured. During the 5 year Civil War, not only did 620,000 men die, but our nation was left in ruins. It was necessary that our country be rebuilt from bottom up. Abraham Lincoln, said to be the brightest president of his time, had plans and ideas for reconstruction. Unfortunately, these plans were failed to be put in place due to the fact of his assassination on April 14, 1865. Throughout some of the most politically tough years our nation has experienced (1865-1877) lousy presidents were elected, plans and bills failed and succeeded, and struggles with civil rights were prominent everywhere. The United State’s hopeful plans for reconstructing and reuniting slowly faded until it was all gone The most important part of reconstruction would probably have to be the beginning, or where it all started. Reconstruction of our nation began unofficially in 1863 with Lincoln’s 10% plan. Because Lincoln wanted a reunited nation as easily and quickly as possible, he entailed that only 10% of the confederates in each state would have to swear allegiance in order for the state to be accepted back into the union. Because of the small number of confederates needed to swear allegiance, the radical republicans in congress were angered and proposed the Wade-Davis Bill. The Wade-Davis bill was intended to make congress responsible for reconstruction rather than the president, and also stated that the majority (not 10%) would have to swear allegiance in each state to be re-accepted into the union. For the good of the united states, not for selfish reasons, Lincoln vetoed (or declined) the bill. Because Lincoln was assassinated, the rest of his plans and hopes for reconstruction were n ever put to use, and his vice-president, Andrew Johnson, took the Presidential role. As reconstruction continued on, it brought many major achievements that greatly benefited our country. One of the greatest accomplishments of reconstruction was the Fifteenth Amendment. The Fifteenth Amendment stated that everyone has a right to vote no matter what â€Å"race, color, or previous condition of servitude† was. Because many whites didn’t like this, they wouldn’t cooperate with the amendment and would go as far as using violence to make blacks not vote. Because of this congress used the Enforcement Act of 1870 which entailed that federal governments would be able to punish those that were causing problems for the African Americans. Going along with the fifteenth amendment, reconstruction brought another achievement, a new life and society for former slaves. Supported by the government, former slaves were able to create new lives for themselves. Although it took hard work and dedication, African Americans were able to create schooling systems, churches and volunteer groups and fight against segregation. Former slaves were able to reunite with their families, and blacks were even finally allowed a spot in politics. The final greatest achievement of reconstruction was reuniting our country. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and the other four states all re-entered the union by 1870. By originally initiating reconstruction, this is what Lincoln was shooting for. Although they still had political and economic differences, they were once again a reunited nation. With every great movement and political plan, lasting effects come along with it. During reconstruction many things were accomplished, which means that our nation was faced with many positive and negative effects. Some of the positive effects included new opportunities for the common public and former slaves. For example, the common public was presented with its first public school system, new roads and railroads, as well as orphanages for children and institutions for the mentally ill. One of the negative effects of the war was the physically and economically drained south. After the war, the south was in extremely poor physical condition and most everything had to be either rebuilt or restored. This was going to cost sufficient amounts of money that the south did not have. To get the money, the taxes rose and the wages lowered. Many people were without family members that died in the civil war, and the south’s population had decreased drastically. Another lasting effect that reconstruction left on our nation was a dent on the farms and plantations in the south. Many farms and plantations in the south had been ruined. Poor whites and African Americans were at disagreement with rich whites on what the farm land should be used as. Rich whites wanted to restore the plantation system and poor whites and African Americans wanted to create small farms and subsistence farming. Labor was also down. With many men dying in the war, not as many people were left to work on the farms. When the plantations were reopened, many African Americans and poor whites worked on the plantations in exchange for housing, food, clothing, etc. Many good and bad effects were left on our nation from reconstruction. Although reconstruction was a good recovery point for our nation, it was slowly ended in 1877 for a collection of reasons. One of the largest problems was whites inflicting violence on African Americans to prevent them from exercising their rights. During reconstruction, Americans struggled with anti-black radicals such as the Ku Klux Klan. They destroyed buildings, personal property, harmed the African Americans, and even went as far as killing them. The goal of the Ku Klux Klan was to restore white supremacy. By 1880 terrorist groups had restored white supremacy in the south. Along with terrorist groups, political troubles were also in the nation’s way. General Ulysses S. Grant was elected president in 1872. Because Grant was inexperienced, he brought his friends into high positions and many scandals resulted. Because of all of the scandals, many people became irritated and more conflict arose. Last but not least, the United States was experiencing economic turmoil. The panic of 1873 was one of the main reasons that focus was turned away from reconstruction. A man named Jay Cooke invested a grand amount of money in railroads and not enough investors bought shares, causing Cooke to spiral into debt. Because of this Cooke’s banking firm (largest in the nation) went bankrupt. Many small banks and businesses closed and the stock market closed. Millions lost their jobs. Because of this five year depression, the focus of the country was turned away from reconstruction. Reconstruction lasted a solid 13 years that were filled with many great improvements and countless lasting effects on our country. While enduring many severe losses and challenges brought on by the Civil War, the United States pushed through and reunited. We will always be affected by this era in our country’s history. Throughout many failed presidencies, failed and passed bills and movements, and continuous struggles with civil rights, America became the country it is tod ay. From the achievements to the collapse of reconstruction, I believe it was completely necessary and left many lasting effects, good and bad, on our country.

The Influence Of Interest Groups In America Politics Essay

The Influence Of Interest Groups In America Politics Essay As we look the history of America we all can see big influence of the interest groups, the interest groups has effected in policy making design in almost every law changing process. The interest group has highly effect of our lives by affecting their views on American government. The interest groups have been complexes dependent upon interaction among individual persons common interest in policy making. The interest group creates formalized only to look after their interest, other word they only function because they to influence policy making movement. The interest group cans lobbying for any cause or reason in any form of law or any regulation. Interest group has access to many types of extra push to make sure they can influence law making process. I think interest groups are one type of the chain which makes influence in policy making .Today, I am going to form interest group and lobbying ageist the local state of Georgia calls the blue law, which is prohibiting any sell of the al cohol on Sunday and also supporting new policy that state government of Georgia should allow to sell alcohol in gas stations and liquor stores. I have lived in Georgia for the last twenty years and I have got several businesses which does sell alcohol. I have work in convince store more than eleven years and almost every Sunday I have to say to my costumers No, sorry I cannot sell beer. As business owner I hate to say that I cannot sell you but I am losing my alcohol sell on every Sunday. People in Georgia have been suffering for really long time that they could not buy beer on Sunday because the governor of Georgia does not sign the bill that was approved by state legislator. The bill went on his desk for two times but he never sine for it just keep saying that he totally believes that Sunday is religious day and people should not buy alcohol. The question of the whether state of the Georgia should allow to sell alcohol on Sunday is very importation issue, allowing alcohol sell on Sunday will bring many positive effects in state of the Georgia. All over in America each state has their own different method of local laws that allow controlling the government. In State of the Georgia we have law of that prohibits sell of any kind of alcohol and beer on Sunday since it is religious day. In this day and time we should not put religious views on our business. The government should not interfere to any types of regulation in business. As I am current owner of the several businesses in Georgia, I have from interest groups which will lobbying ageist the law that prohibits the sell of alcohol and beer on Sunday. The interest group will called Georgia Alcohol Dealers Association and I am going to be president of this group. In short form we can say that GADA which is short name of Georgia Alcohol Dealers Association. As president I will bring all the wholesalers, retailers and people who make the beer and alcohol on one group and we will to fight against this ridicules law that prohibits sell of alcohol in Georgia. Moreover that I wil l bring all the people who will support this group and try to gain local support in state of Georgia. The issue of the not selling alcohol on Sunday is related to public so I will make sure I will try to join everyone who is willing to support my interest group. If I can make it public issue by saying it is totally wrong to people who want to have alcohol drinks. This is going to very strong word because when people here, that this law effects on personal freedom of people they will surely join my group. I will get more people on my side because I will them it is for the public interest, I am sure by doing this I will make my interest group more organized and more stronger. I will also appoint different people different positions like secretary, chief members and board of directors, which will handle different types of task. Talking about how to make interest group I will never forget the words that I read in the book written by Bentley it is called The Process of Government, It is first, last and always activity, action, something doing the shunting by some men of other mens conduct along changed lines, the gathering of forces to overcome resistance to such alterations, or the dispersal of one grouping of forces by another grouping.'(Bentley, 176). In this quote he is trying to show the value of the interest groups. Bentley is trying to say that when you form a group it will make much bigger impact than individual. He is believe in power of the interest group got in system, this is the best example for me and now I will flow his theory and make sure that I will have very strong interest group so I will success in lobbying against the law in Georgia that prohibit the sale of alcohol. In my interest group I will make sure that every individual who is part of the group will band with each other really good and they will help each other out and find the solution of how to change the blue laws in Georgia, by doing this I am sure we will have one effective interest group. Which will make impact on Georgias Governor Sonny Perdue and I will make sure we will reach our goal. I am very confident that my interest group will find large amount of member with same the same cause that I believe in. My main goal is to target the Georgias governor because he is the one who did not sign the bill which he gets on his desk couple times in last three years to allowing sale of alcohol in Georgia. My interest group will prove that a democracy is a system which is rule by the people because the most people in Georgia are against this blue law of state. Sonny Prude will sign this law which will allow selling alcohol in Georgia on Sunday when he see majority of Georgian wants to able to buy alcohol in Georgia. He is public official elected by public and he must acts as name of public on other words he should consider public opinion. Since my interest group is pro business I will get money from all retail business owners who join my interest group. When people or any corporation will contribute any money I will make sure that I will establish a personal relationship and make sure what they want out my interest group. Most likely first I will go to Budweiser and Miller group who got most sell of alcohol in Georgia after that I will get more support of local distributers who will provide alcohol to retailers and last not the least I will go retailers for money to operate and bring all of them together so we will get more outcome of my interest group. If still I need more money I will have couple events where we will try to fundraiser to support all our expenses. I believe that money does not buy power so we have to make ourselves herd we need to get signed by people who support us. I am very sure that more people will support this pro- business policy. Once I make the group I will make them aware of what is wrong with current law and how we need to change it. First, I would let my group know that the current law is effecting on peoples personal freedom who like to buy and drink alcohol on Sunday. This law is because it harms our personal freedom and that why it is un-causational. In America we cannot put churchs law on everyone who lives in state of the Georgia. Moreover that we need to separate the government and church by passing new bill that will allow selling alcohol in Georgia. There is no way this law is making any sense it is just hurting local business. There are also many restaurant owners get in my interest group, they have to pay every year more money just because they have to pay more money to state since they are the only ones who serves alcohol on Sundays. I have talk to many restaurant owners they strongly believe that it is just extra burden on them since they have to pay extra money just to support their sells on alcohol. It is also good when you know what kind of people will argue against your interest group here is one example of one of my customer who strongly believes we should not sell alcohol on Sundays he said that, Many people believe that alcohol consumption is a destabilizing influence in the society harming families and children. Certainly millions of children around the world are negatively impacted by their parents alcoholism. Thousands in the USA are killed every year by drunk drivers. Alcohol sales are not the tax base that funds the city/county infrastructure and community improvements as another poster implied. Rather, they are the beginning point of many burdens on our society. I seriously doubt that the taxes collected on alcohol sales come anywhere near to paying for the negative impacts on our society. This is very true argument but you cannot just stop selling alcohol all over the America or you can not just ban it. I am sure state government is collecting large amount of taxes out of alcohol sell. We should not forget that for those who oppose alcohol sales on Sunday, they too are have a choice just dont buy it. Government of Georgia is dependent on their different tax items to support their state budget. The tax on alcohol is also called sin tax. According to investigation done by MSN money market Georgia is paying highest amount of alcohol tax after Alaska in nation. Normal tax average is around .15 cent on every $ 1 but in Georgia we pay 1.15 cents on every $1 that is more than 100% tax on alcohol. I think it is just not fair who lives in Georgia because they have to pay higher tax on beer and they cannot buy alcohol on Sunday. This law is hurting one of the very key business in Georgia, the club business. One of the biggest clubs of south east is run by my cousin and he said that they could not stay open on Sundays just because they could not serve alcohol. There are more people in Georgia drink in restaurant and drive back home on Sunday just because they do not allow buying alcohol and drinking at their home. These will create unsafe endearment for everyone who is on road on Sunday. There are just more people driving drunk on Sunday than another days of week. If we allow alcohol sale on Sunday most people will drink in their home not in bar and then drive back to home. It will create safe environment for everyone who is on the road. In Georgia we will have less DUI and fewer accidents related to alcohol. It is always win -win situation for the consumers who want to drink on Sunday and local police departments who gets fewer accidents related to alcohol. We live in totally democratic county and we shall not favor any religion over others. The blue law is place based on Christian beliefs. It will show that state of Georgia is supporting Christian religion. I know our country is found on Christian beliefs but our county makes different then rest of others country is that we have allow to follow any religion that we like. Laws like this will create unfairness over other religion. People of the other religion will think that why their belief is not accepted as state law. Thats how our country find it was liberty to all. Just like in Christianity, Hinduism is also prohibit to drink and sell alcohol at all, so people who follow Hinduism will going to ask for the laws that will prohibit and sell on alcohol at all in state of Georgia. I have always wondered why people who have a certain belief feel it necessary to impose their belief on others. As American I always know that we should always look everyone equally and laws like this makes tot ally wrong, and if you Christian and if you do not want to sell or buy alcohol you can do that too. There is no way we can punish entire people of Georgia by not allowing the alcohol sale. I also read in books that people who go in church drinks wine anyways so there is no way they mind over selling or buying alcohol. If state of Georgia allows selling alcohol on Sunday, they get more money as sales tax and it help to cover the Georgias deficit which is around 2 billion dollars according to AJC. Mayor of Atlanta Deke Copenhagen said on one of his interview that if we allow to sell alcohol in Georgia we will have overcome the deficit in budget, which is great thing for state Georgia if we overcome the deficit .We could also boost our tourism because it will be convince for the people who is coming from outside of Georgia who really wants to have fun by drinking beer and wine on Sunday. I know there are people who always go outside of Georgias state borderline like in Alabama, Florida and Tennessee to buy alcohol. This way we are hurting our own business in Georgia because people do go outside of state to get beer and alcohol. It is one of the big drawbacks that businesses are taking in Georgia State. en the state and church. This law effects on peoples personal freedom who like to buy and drink alcohol on Sunday. To push my policy on step further I will make one opinion poll and mail it to everyone in state of Georgia who is related with alcohol business. This way I will also publish my policy to gain more areas that I will not cover and I will get peoples opinion and there is another poll that had been take place before. This is very important key to my interest group because if I get positive poll saying that majority of Georgian people wants to buy alcohol on Sunday. This poll is very important, it will show the strong evidence to prove that people of Georgia is really supporting this policy. In that mailing I will include different question among them I make sure that I will include that if you ever try to buy alcohol on Sunday? And I will also ask that if you go church on every Sunday? Asking question like this makes people think that we do not need to law because it does not have any logic. In this technology era, I will also use computers to also push my policy. I did make a web page where my interest group member can log in and also can blog our achievements. On the web page I will also add petition where you can sign it and it will directly e mail to me and also to governor of the Georgia. I will also make Google group and facebook group to get more support from students from all over the Georgias colleges. This way I can introduce my policy to young people who use computers regularly. Creating groups online will bring more attestations and we get more longtime support, doing this I share my thoughts and other peoples views. I might get some important contacts or important information out of my web page which will help to get succeed in lobbying. I will also have this link that I find where you can go and sine the petition called Sunday Alcohol Sale in Georgia doing this people can put their information on petition and sine it witches will go directly state representative. It will be really effective because when I will have more and more people sine for it so we will have our interest group stronger. Work cited Arthur Bentley, The Process of Government, Page. 176.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Wife of Bath and the Battle of the Sexes Essay -- The Canterbury T

How far do you agree that in the battle of the sexes it is the wife of Bath who has the most effictive weapons and armour? The Wife sees the relationship between men and women as a battle in which it is crucial to gain the upper hand, 'Oon of us two must bowen, douteless' Her armour was indeed necessary, as in Medieval England, women definitley were second class citizens who were viewed as goods and chattels, with no financial independence. They were often beaten, and it is clearly in the Wife's nature to protect herself. She uses weapons like her sexuality and her youth to make her husbands suffer, so much so that they feel impotent. 'How pitously a-night I made hem swinke!' This weapon was highly effective with first three husbands who she managed to dominate, 'I hadde hem hoolly in myn hond' and they handed over 'lond and hir tresoor' as she with held sex in order to get her own way with them. The Wife also used a weapon of deceit and she clearly comments that women have this weapon from birth, 'Swere and lyen as a womman kan' She tells her audience tha... ...nce is that she is once again in control as 'he yaf me al the bridel in myn hond To han the governance of ous and lond' Although her marriage with her 5th husband is never resolved and there is no winner because he dies whilst she is on a pilgrimmage, she has a good battle, and probably the most difficult of all her husbands. The overall picture is of a Wife who has certainly fought the good fight. Not surprising as her astrological sign is Mars, implying strength in war. She is still confident and looking to welcome husband number 6.

Monday, August 19, 2019

George Orwell :: essays research papers

George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair on June 25, 1903 in Motihari in India, which was at that time part of the British Empire. His family was not very wealthy and like most middle-class English families of that time, their livelihood depended on the Empire. In 1907, his family returned to England. His parents managed to send him to a private school in Sussex and when he was thirteen, he won a scholarship to Wellington. Soon after that, he won another scholarship to the well-known public school, Eaton. After being forced to work very hard at preparatory school, Blair lost interest in any further intellectual exertion that was not related to his personal ambition. In his book Why I Write he says that from a very young age he had known that he must be a writer. But, he also realized that in order to become a writer, he had to read literature. However, in Eaton, English literature was not a major subject and he spent his five years reading works by the masters of English prose includ ing Jonathon Swift, Laurence Sterne and Jack London on his own. He failed to win a university scholarship after the final examinations at Eaton and, in 1922, he joined the Indian Imperial Police. This decision was not the usual path that most Eaton students would have taken. Blair preferred a life of travel and action and he served in the force in Burma (now known as Myanmar) for five years. He resigned from the police force for two main reasons: firstly, being a police officer was a diversion from his real ambition of being a writer; and secondly, he felt that as a policeman in Burma, he was supporting a political system in which he could no longer believe. Even at this time, his political ideas and his ideas about writing were closely related. In his book The Road To Wigan Pier he wrote that he wished to "escape from†¦ every form of man's dominion over man", and he felt that the social structure of British Imperialism was that "dominion" over the English working class. After he returned to London at the age of twenty-four, he began to teach himself how to write. He spent most of his time writing in very poor living conditions because he felt that the poor in London and Paris represented the people of Burma under British rule.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Flying Essay -- The Event That Changed My Life

A few summers ago, a gentleman I had only just met offered me an afternoon plane ride. He was a retired lawyer and enjoyed any excuse to pilot his small plane. My friend Paul and I had nothing scheduled that day, so figured why not. After some debate about where to fly, north, south, or east, we settled on Mendocino, about halfway up the coast to Oregon. Within minutes we were bundled into a Beechcraft Bonanza and rattling off an absurdly short runway into the open sky. It was a spectacular day even by California standards as we swooped along the pine-clad rocky coastline and buzzed hermits at a hidden Buddhist monastery. After what seemed like only a few minutes we were mingling with the tourists in Mendocino, a colorful seaside village which plays the role of "Cabot Cove, Maine" in "Murder She Wrote." Then we were back in the air, once again hugging the coastline at about 3500 feet. This time (on the basis of a coin toss) I got to sit up front with the pilot. Up to this point the adventure had been pleasant enough, touched even with a bit of magic. After all, it is nothing less than magic to pick a direction at a whim and quickly land hundreds of mil... ...n again to rave amidst my unseeing neighbors. I handed back the controls and we swooped between the towers of the Golden Gate just as the fog was rolling in, skipped across Alcatraz and Angel Island, and landed with a little hop back where we started. And now, months later, I am a changed man. I don't think I'll be signing up for flying lessons anytime soon; I have enough expensive habits as it is. But now, when I look up into the sky, I see it not as a rather extravagant ceiling, but as a conduit to other places. I see that it's easy to get from here to there. All you have to do is fly.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pixar †the Innovative & Creative Animation Company

PIXAR – the innovative & creative animation company PIXAR is a world class animation film studio. The Pixar organization culture is influenced the company to be more creative and innovation. This is helping her to achieve remarkable awards in their industry. The great successful for Pixar is the share values, all employees named â€Å"Pixarians† who are proud of their job and love their job. They are self-motivated and enjoyed to be work in Pixar. By using seven dimension of organization culture, Pixar culture is achieved at least 3 dimension, they are: â€Å"People orientation†, â€Å"Innovation and risk taking† and â€Å"Team orientation†.People orientation Pixar management believes that new talent can blossom creativity and innovation thus using appropriated candidate, no matter whom they are and where they come from being a critical success of the organization. Like John Lasseter hired Andrew Stanton who writes script of Toy Story that he canâ⠂¬â„¢t. Pixar does not like other assembly studios which employed a group of freelance professionals to work on a single project. They hired a permanent staff takes the full responsibility in their role from project to project.Pixar provides on job training to encourage lifelong learning cultural, the in house professional development school – â€Å"Pixar University† where allowed any levels of employees to miss work for classes. Furthermore, Pixar promotes a slogan â€Å"Try, Learn and Try again† for innovation development. It is a company culture that encourages the staff to try something new and think in different. Innovation and risk taking As Pixar is a creative animation factory, their working environment also creative and breakthrough the normal office layout.They are mixing fun with their work place. We can find basketball court, game centre, gym room and even bathrooms in the main office. From the relaxing fun and play area, all employees can take a bre ak and refresh their mind during office hour also meet different department people would interact creative and sparkling ideas. For individual staff, they can design and create their fun & play working spaces at their own preference. Pixar’s management will not disturb their staff freedom which can build another level of respect and trust. [pic] [pic] Fun & relax area pic] Employee can design their own workplace Team orientation Pixar has no organization chart which aims to erase the corporate control and power that forbidding creativity. Paxarians are freedom to communicate with anyone and contribute own creative ideas regardless the level or title, that removes communicating barriers and builds peer driven cultural within Pixar. They are project base team structure, so staff building a good relationship by project succeeds or process failures. To analyze above culture affects the management within Pixar Planning:Base on the business nature, Pixar would like to create a rela xing environment to the staff for encouraging creative thinking, therefore the office layout planning being informal and given enough individualized working area for their staff. Pixar understood that the common social area that can be exchange the working information and idea by a no pressure setting so the leisure facilities is planned for their office. Organizing: Pixar is an organic organization structure company. Their culture is forming a team for specific project. This flexible project based structure can fully utilize the staff talent by their specific strengthen.Also, the project owner can recruit the right person internal for their individual project. On the other hand, staff can meet different kind of team member from the company, it sparkle their mind from the new members. Leading: Pixar is will not hire the freelance designer for the specific project, the form of the team base on the staff talent for full time staff therefore, the leadership style is regarding the staff ability for each project. The chance to show the staff performance is not related on the organization structure but the personal ability.This leading culture gives the chance to everyone in the company to show their talent in their own professional. Their culture will not kill any creative and potential staff from the rigid company structure. Controlling: Pixar is a people orientated company therefore the on job training – Pixar University being one of the controls for the employee performance and level up the employee professional to be Pixar standard. From the training program, employee can understand more about the company requirement, as the same time Pixar can be evaluated the employee by the Pixar university classroom.This long time learning culture is covering all level of the employee which is not only for the working needs but also line up the Pixarians mind set to meet their company goals. Conclusion To sum up, as world-class animation company, Pixar did a very wel l company culture to help the innovative and creative happened. Top management understood that people is the most importance asset for the company so the people orientated management style being the key success for Pixar.Employees get the strong identity with Pixar culture and being loyal to the company, who called themselves â€Å"Paixarian† and so proud of being the member of Pixar. The staff and company are getting the shared values, principles and doing the same way to let company going forward. References: Pixar Official Website: http://www. pixar. com/ Pixar office photo : http://thechive. com/2009/12/22/pixar-offices-are-almost-as-cool-as-thechive-offices-27-photos/ Capodadli, B. & Jackson, L. (2010) Innovate The Pixar Way: Business Lessons From The World’s Most Creative Corporate Playground. New York: McGraw Hill. ———————– 4

Friday, August 16, 2019

Manipulating Meaning Worksheet Essay

Part A: Twain’s Family Tree Use all the skills you have learned throughout this course to complete a close reading of the description you’ve chosen. Use context clues to make sense of things that are not clear at first. Pay attention to Twain’s tone and the humor devices he uses. 1. Which of Twain’s ancestors did you select? Charles Henry Twain 2. What is the ACTUAL story of that man’s life? Provide supporting evidence from the text. â€Å"lived during the latter part of the seventeenth century he converted sixteen thousand South Sea islanders, and taught them that a dog-tooth necklace and a pair of spectacles was not enough clothing to come to divine service in† He was very well liked by his flock of people. 3. What techniques does Twain use to create satire in the description you selected? Provide supporting evidence from the text. I think he used wit and humor, when naming it â€Å"twains demented family tree† Part B: Create Your Own Satire For this part of the assignment, you will appropriate Twain’s technique and write a burlesque of an event in your life or in the life of a celebrity. Remember, a burlesque plays on contradiction between a subject and the way it is treated. Twain used humor to describe serious, sometimes awful, events, but you can turn it around and present something fun or happy in a very serious way – the choice is yours. Requirements: Incorporate at least two humor devices Write a minimum of five sentences Paste your completed burlesque here: One time I was riding a very high powered four wheeler, Yamaha raptor 700rr. This bike topped out at about 95mph (no exaggeration) and I was going about  60-70mph down a dirt/rock road. When I needed to slow down I tapped the front brakes a little to hard and the bike stood up on its front two wheels, now in my head, rather than getting eaten by a 400lbs bike I decided to jump off to my right. I tumbled and tumbled lost my shoes and oddly enough ripped my shirt off (couldn’t even find it). Had road rash from head to toe and everywhere in between. Though I was very fortunate not to break anything I was not in the best condition. When I got home (after pushing the bike home) I tell my father what happened and he says â€Å"well that was smart, dumba$$!† to which I replied â€Å"it was definitely one of my smarter moves!† He then helped me get cleaned up, picked the rocks and gravel out of my wounds then spent the next 3 weeks in my bed. ;/ After you have written your burlesque, answer these reflection questions in complete sentences: 1. Factually describe the event you wrote about in your burlesque. I was to in experienced on a high experience bike. I’m far more experienced now (pro) I’m lying about the pro part, but definitely know how to ride 2. What humor devices did you incorporate? Why did you choose them? I used sarcasm; I used sarcasm because I am fluent in that particular literary device. I also used sarcasm because it’s a true story and that’s how it went, exactly. So I felt it was only appropriate.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Economic Analysis of Oligopoly Essay

This has been extended and they are now looking to expand their hold on the Australian market by moving into the liquor industry. Julian Lee (2008) highlights Coles and Woolworths move into the industry, by trying to build on their previous acquisitions of liquor outlets to challenge the major brands for a share of the $6 billion per year Australian beer market. The article reveals that Coles and Woolworths plan to ‘give more space to their own beers and promote the beers in their hotels’. The beer market has so far been resistant and has retained a strong brand loyalty. Coles and Woolworths are competing against each other and relying heavily on price discounting and forming supplier contracts to attain exclusive supply. The article questions whether or not these oligopolies will be as successful as previously in attaining their complete dominance because ‘home or exclusive brands’ are currently only a small component of the market. b Justification of the topic ‘Supermarkets brew up a crate full of profits’ is an article that clearly describes the workings on an oligopolistic market. The fact that the market is governed by two powerful firms that have the ability to influence price shows that the market more closely resembles a duopolistic structure. The beer and liquor industry comprises a differentiated oligopoly of which Woolworths and Coles are the main controllers. Woolworths and Coles control between 78 and 80. per cent of the national grocery market according to two 2008 retail surveys (Lenaghan, 2008), indicating a very high seller concentration ratio, and this figure points out the two giants’ share of the supermarket industry, including their diversification into liquor. It is clear that the competitors hope to extend this duopoly in the beer market where they have been less successful. Coles and Woolworths can be justified as a competitive duopoly as they are interdependent. They rely on each other o judge pricing of products and it has been suggested (Moynihan, 2007) that the two powers collude to maximize their profits. Significant barriers to entry for independent competitors have been created including large start up costs. The sheer size of their companies allows them to influence legislation, the fact that they encompass large economies of scale, and their control of raw materials helps these two firms to retain the staggering market share ‘to an extent unparalleled in other countries. ’(Jones, 2005) 2. Economic Analysis It is quite evident that Coles and Woolworths began their crusade of the Australian liquor industry early. Estimates of the ‘take out sales figure would be somewhat over $9 billion of a total liquor market of about $17 billon’ (Jones, 2005). Over the years the rises in productivity and efficiency have enabled the companies to sell at a discounted price. ‘Woolworths has long been engaged in a project to reduce costs through improvements in supply chain logistics’ (Jones 2005). Coles and Woolworths are well aware that this efficiency leads to increasing returns to scale. They hold economies of scale and scope that their nearest rivals cannot compete with and therefore their long run average costs continue to decline whist their output quantities are more than doubling. The long run average cost curve (1) is produced when economies of scale are many and diseconomies of scale are few. 1. 2. It is very clear that Coles and Woolworths association of groceries and liquor retailing is a classic example of oligopolistic firms attempting to further enhance their market. ‘In the mid 80’s Coles bought the Liquorland group signalling its entry into liquor retailing. Coles bought Vintage Cellars in 1992, the Australian Liquor Group in 2001, and the sizeable Theo’s business in 2003. Woolworths bought Victoria’s Dan Murphy in 1999, Tooheys Bros in Sydney in 2000, the Liberty Liquor group (including Harry’s Liquor) in 2001, the Booze Brothers Chain in South Australia in 2000, the Super Cellar group in South Australia in 2003, Bailey & Bailey in South Australia in 2003, and ALH in late 2004. Woolworths also acquired 18 licenses from the purchase of Franklins’ grocery chain in 2001’. (Jones 2005) This shows the industry power that the duopoly own, although as Lee rites they have found that ‘beer has remained resistant’ to the takeover of private home brand labels. Home brand labels have relied on a discounted price to capture the market’s attention, a strategy that will have little success with beer. The beer industry is already dominated by premium, boutique, imported and Aussie favourite beers t hat the chance of finding a large market share is unlikely. At the moment the in-house brands make up ‘just 2%’ of the beer market, most of which is taken up by Sol, a Woolworths brand. The beer industry is unlike the grocery industry where a discounted price is favourable. The Australian brewing duopoly of Fosters and Lion Nathan both believe that ‘branded beer will win out’ and are not worried that the products being forced into the market by Coles and Woolworths ‘will eat into (their) market share’. Coles and Woolworths envisions that the low priced private label brands will increase their demanded quantity from Q1 to Q2 (2) and this in turn will increase their market share and their profits. In the long run they will also be able to force more small independent brewers and sellers out of business because these retailers do not encompass the specialisation skills or labour to be able to price lower than the oligopolists or even match their prices. Although matching any price reduction for the oligopolist who retains significant economies of scale can be treated with simplicity. This can be shown by a downward movement in the marginal cost curve. (3) The prices for the consumer would decrease and the average total cost for the producer also decreases. The local liquor retailer could more often than not, have no success in moving their marginal cost curve to match that of the oligopolists. These independents’ market share and profitability will in effect reduce dramatically. This can then cause possible reductions in the industry shifting the supply curve to the left. For the consumer this is ultimately a negative scenario as the oligopolists who charge a cheaper price at present, will be able to increase their prices once the other competition has been eliminated (4). (3)(4) The article gives light onto the fact that the two giants’ are ‘creating exclusive contracts for (their) retail outlets’ and this restricts competitors selling their brands. ‘Woolworths already distributes Bitburger, Lowenbrau and Amsterdam Mariner, while Coles sells Hollandia, Cantina Cerveza, Bavaria, Estrella Damm, Harviestoun, La Trappe and Konig Pilsner. It also contracts Boag’s – now owned by Lion Nathan – to make Tasman Bitter, Tasman Gold and Hammer ‘n’ Tongs for the chain’. It is clear that already Coles and Woolworths dominates much of the beer market by owning the outlets and the contracts to sell the beer itself. They anticipate that loyal customers will have to come to their outlet when shopping for their regular branded beer. It is also highlighted that ‘imported premium beer sales have grown by 20%’ from January 2007, a figure which is likely to increase. Coles and Woolworths are furthermore using their oligopolist power to create barriers and retaliate at competitors. In 2002 Fosters had no choice but to decide against branching into the retailer market as Coles had began to reduce the stocking of Fosters’ lines in its outlets (Jones, 2005). It had become clear that Coles and Woolworths were not going to let their market be penetrated by other competitors and that notion of collusion seems to be a regular and probable occurrence. Although oligopolists frequently collude, within the beer industry collusion is not yet possible as they are still trying to dominate the existing market. If the two firms were to succeed in their strategy to dominate the market and collude to set higher prices for the consumer their profit margins would be very high and the industry would resemble that of a pure monopoly (5). . Conclusion The $6 billion Australian beer market has proved to be resilient to attempts by the two giants to capture the industry. Ultimately the oligopolists plan to attempt to take hold of the beer market as they have done with groceries and petrol. In the short run, the economies of scale and the continuous logistics improvements provides the consumer with cheaper prices that the independents may not be able to provid e and consequently when the independents are run out of the market the competition and prices of the industry may increase dramatically. Coles and Woolworths are aiming to ‘target the value shopper, and that’s where private label and control labels are playing. ’ The potential success of this is questioned in the article, as within the beer industry the value shopper makes up a ‘small component of the market’. Only time will tell if Coles and Woolworths can continue to extend their previous successes.